Legal notice

Legal notices regu­­la­­ted by the law n ° 78–17 of January 6, 1978 rela­­ting to data proces­­sing, files and liber­­ties and the law n ° 2004–575 of June 21, 2004 for the Confi­­dence in the Digi­­tal Economy.

Legal Infor­­­ma­­­tion
Privacy Poli­­­cyYour perso­­­nal data (name, first name, address, postal code, city, e-mail, …) are collec­­­ted in strict compliance with the law n ° 2004–575 of June 21, 2004 for the Confiance in the Digi­­­tal Economy.
In accor­­­dance with the law n ° 78–17 of January 6, 1978 rela­­­ting to data proces­­­sing, files and free­­­doms modi­­­fied by the new law Infor­­­ma­­­tique et Liber­­­tés of August 6, 2004, you have a right of access, Correc­­­tions and dele­­­tion of data concer­­­ning you. To do this, simply contact us by mail, by e-mail or by phone:
Address: 17–19 boule­­­vard Gambetta – 08200 SEDAN France
Such. +33 (0) 3 24 29 03 50 – contact@­­­
Website editing
Desi­­­gner: A zero one repre­­­sen­­­ted by Sacha MILLOTHos­­­ting: A Zero OneE­­­di­­­tor: Stéphane VauchéRes­­­pon­­­sible for upda­­­ting edito­­­rial content: Valen­tine Lagrange and Stéphane VauchéC­­­re­­­dits: Vauché, A Zero One, Simon Genin, Unsplash, Foto­­­liaCo­­­py­­­rightAny total or partial repro­­­duc­­­tion of the design, texts, photos or layouts is prohi­­­bi­­­ted, in accor­­­dance with the provi­­­sions of Article L. 122–4 of the Intel­­­lec­­­tual Property Code. Any infrin­­­ger will be liable to prose­­­cu­­­tion for infrin­­­ge­­­ment.
Nature of data collec­­­ted:
The infor­­­ma­­­tion we collect comes from the volun­­­tary commu­­­ni­­­ca­­­tion of an e-mail address or perso­­­nal and postal address when filing an elec­­­tro­­­nic message, filling out forms or regis­­­te­­­ring on the site.
What is the use of these data?
The infor­­­ma­­­tion you provide to us is never entrus­­­ted to third parties. When you send us an e-mail message via a link, your e-mail address and contact infor­­­ma­­­tion are only used to give you an answer, they are destroyed in the long term.
CNIL decla­­­ra­­­tion
Access to admi­­­nis­­­tra­­­tive docu­­­ments
The President of the Vauché Group, Stéphane Vauché has appoin­­­ted a person respon­­­sible for the issuance of admi­­­nis­­­tra­­­tive docu­­­ments (within the space reser­­­ved) and ques­­­tions rela­­­ting to the re-use of public infor­­­ma­­­tion. This person is Mrs. Sylvie Vauché.
It is respon­­­sible for:
* Faci­­­li­­­tate, in the event of diffi­­­cul­­­ties, the proces­­­sing of the request for access or the use of admi­­­nis­­­tra­­­tive docu­­­ments. The services concer­­­ned by the appli­­­ca­­­tions conti­­­nue to respond to them.
* Liaise between Vauché, its custo­­­mers, its part­­­ners and its pros­­­pects for access to admi­­­nis­­­tra­­­tive docu­­­ments.
Special mention
The Vauché Group disclaims any respon­­­si­­­bi­­­lity for the content of sites acces­­­sible via links from the pages of its own site.